 | SIGFM virtualization - consulting & strategy |
... the whole office in one hutch, really?
yes. we can do this for you.
as the result, the only thing you need for work is any kind of display to present the remote desktop or a running vnc client and an input device. in pratice all devices, able to proper display a colored internet website, should be applicable. such as pda's, mobiles and of course, your very unhasty but also very beloved five-year-old notebook. what a flexibility! as the second great feature is to commend the great amount of security on two sides. the user has no need for backup anymore and no more reason to hide his own stupidity. the whole data including the hardware reposes secure and at a pleasant temperature in a trustworthy data processing center of your choice. your notebook snitched at the airport? so? never mind, there is no data on it, but passwords. a burglar in the office? hopefully, your hardcash hasn't vanished. your most important data is aboard and well, this is for sure. If there is something unclear about a particular software, or the proper function in a virtual machine is not guaranteed, we are exhaustive testing the matter until any successful solution. as early as now we have to decide which host system is to be used. almost nothing is impossible.
intrigued? aroused your curiosity? there is no limit to the inspirations.